Brighten Up Your Marketing With Bright Cat Business Solutions

Welcome to Bright Cat Business Solutions, we are an award-winning marketing virtual assistance and social media management company.

Our aim is to support your business in getting visible with digital marketing services. There are a lot of ways to do that from design, strategy and implementation of graphics, fine tuning your social media, email marketing, and teach you to do it yourself. Whatever way you are looking to enhance your marketing there’s a way we can help.

We champion accessibility and disabled business owners here – our founder is disabled and is heavily involved in the community.

Please take time to explore the website and find out how we can help you.

Email marketing can be a challenge in keeping subscribers engaged while trying to maintain relevance, avoiding spam filters and adhering to regulations – which can all become a bit too much and all before you’ve really decided what you want to say.

Social Media is a competitive landscape where you are constantly vying for your audience attention; consistently creating high-quality engaging content can feel like an uphill struggle.  

Running events usually means working to tight deadlines when thinking about the marketing, you need to get your event out there and get it seen – while giving all the required information and keeping this eye catching.

People keep mentioning all these huge and scary services that you need to get ahead with your marketing and social media, but what if you’re not ready for that? What if you just need something to get you going, or keep everything ticking over?

Our Services

Marketing VA

From landing pages to broadcast emails and automations, we’ve got your covered for help with your marketing.

Social Media

Content creation, scheduling and more. Our unique Pick & Mix social media package means you get just the services you want.

Event Graphics

All the graphics you need to make your event super visible and really shout about your guests.

Bite Sized Services

Bite sized services for those that aren’t ready for a full package but need help with their socials and marketing.

While Canva is designed to be user friendly, learning the intricacies of the software is not intuitive and it can be difficult to find the information that will help your designs really stand out.

Marketing is such a huge topic that it’s difficult to know where to start and work out what you should be doing first – often giving the impression that you need to be doing all of it, NOW.

Learning new software can be a daunting task, often users are afraid they may do something wrong or break it, often needing someone else to go in a press all the buttons to reassure them that won’t happen- and also guide them through the process.

We all learn at different speeds and in different ways, often software or processes don’t come across as accessible which means many wont even try to learn something that could transform their business.


Learn to take your Canva images from Bland to Grand with our flagship workshops!


From newsletters, email marketing, repurosing content to social media! If you need to master your marketing these webianrs are for you.


Learning the basics of new software can be daunting, try out basics courses to get you on your way.


Want from free stuff? Well dive right in with our gifts to you!


Join The Community

As well as this company we also run the Business Success Network For Disabled Entrepreneurs, which is a supportive space for any business owner with any type of disability (or those that cater to them), we deal with the day to day realities – and achievements – of running a business while disabled – and we make up at least 25% of the self-employed population.  So why not come and join the Facebook Community?

Come Networking With Us

We host regular online networking events for the disabled entrepreneur community, all are welcome – and you’ll find a relaxed and supportive space to meet fellow business owners and get to know them a little better.

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